Is Age just a Number?

We live in a society that is, often to a fault, enamored with the narrative of youth and early success. Everywhere we look, there are accolades and attention given to those who achieve things at a young age – Forbes 30 under 30, Times 40 under 40, and so on. It’s not a surprise then that many, especially in the academic world, feel an immense pressure to graduate or achieve certain milestones by a “certain age.”

A recent exchange I had highlighted this sentiment, where a PhD student shared their worries with me that they were feeling old and somewhat “late” compared to their colleagues. It’s heartbreaking to hear such statements, knowing that age is not a determinant of success or one’s worth.

I was 18 when I embarked on my academic journey, finishing my PhD by 23 and stepping into an Assistant Professor role by 31. On the surface, it may seem like I’ve always been ahead of the curve, but this journey wasn’t devoid of its own challenges. For me, my devotion to my studies wasn’t necessarily born from raw intellect, but rather from seeking solace and a means to attain freedom in a strict upbringing.

Was it an advantage to be that young when I started as an Assistant Professor, then?

I clearly remember that day when I was replacing one of my colleagues for the exam re-sit of his course. I entered the room where the exam was taking place and got directly addressed in a rude manner by an older professor, who was present for another examination. “What are you doing here?”, he asked me very aggressively, “students are not allowed to enter the room yet!”. I told him very politely that I was the lecturer of the course, which he didn’t believe. He even wanted me to show him my University employee pass. Something I obviously refused – this is not the way I accept to be treated.

The message I want to convey here is not about the challenges of being young in academia but rather the power and advantage of maturity and life experiences that older students bring to the table. Those who embark on or continue their PhDs in their 30s, 40s, or beyond possess a level of maturity, confidence, and groundedness that is invaluable.

Let’s take a step back and consider the larger picture: If you’re 30 and still pursuing your PhD, you still likely have decades left in your professional journey. That’s decades to innovate, inspire, and impact the world in your unique way.

Every person’s academic and professional journey is unique. Embrace your own path, regardless of how it aligns with societal timelines or expectations. And always remember to be kind to yourself; after all, age truly is just a number.


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