How can the unseen aspects of conferences propel your career to new heights?
Earlier this month, I attended a conference in Geneva. I was excited about it for several reasons: my PhD supervisor was the chair, I was invited to give a workshop with NextMinds, and I knew many of my former colleagues and scientific friends would be there.
The conference lived up to my expectations. I spent coffee breaks networking, the workshop was a success, and I returned home with new connections and plans for future NextMinds activities.
On my flight home, with memories still fresh, I reflected on what makes conferences so special. Every time I attend one, I feel the same way afterward: tired (from lack of sleep, stimuli, and juggling ongoing work) but excited and full of new ideas for projects or collaborations.
When I ask PhD students what they think of conferences, they usually say one or both of the following:
🔸 Conferences are great for presenting our results!
🔸 Conferences are perfect for networking!
While both statements are true, they’re just the tip of the iceberg.
There’s more to conferences than meets the eye.
In today’s newsletter, I’ll reveal the hidden aspects of conferences that can be game-changers for your career. Like an iceberg, conferences have visible elements (presentations and networking) and hidden depths. And it’s these unseen aspects, my friends, that will truly propel your professional journey forward.

The visible tip of the iceberg | Show your results and network
Presentation of results
The first thing most people think of when attending a conference is presenting their results through a poster or oral presentation.
Why present your results at a conference?
🔸 Gain visibility for your work within the scientific community
🔸 Receive feedback and new perspectives from peers and experts
🔸 Practice your presentation skills in a supportive environment
🔸 Establish yourself as an expert in your specific research area
🔸 Create opportunities for collaboration with other researchers
🔸 Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your field
🔸 Presenting results is a key aspect of scientific progress, allowing you to showcase your findings and learn from others.
Networking is the process of building and maintaining relationships with people who can provide mutual support, exchange information, and share opportunities, typically in a professional or academic context.
Obvious examples of networking at conferences include:
🔸 Approaching speakers after their presentations to discuss their talk and share related research interests,
🔸 Exchanging business cards or LinkedIn information with attendees during breaks or at social events.
🔸 Joining informal discussions during coffee breaks or meals to introduce themselves and ask about others’ work.
🔸 Attending poster sessions, engaging with presenters by asking questions and offering insights.
🔸 Participating in workshops or panels, to meet peers and exchange ideas.
One of our favorite games during my PhD was the “Business Card Competition” during poster sessions: whoever got the most cards in the envelope by their poster won.
(Spoiler: I never won, but I got overly excited when one of the “big shots” in our field left their card in my envelope)
The submerged mass of the iceberg | Hidden aspects that can propel your journey forward
Long-term networking
Networking isn’t just about your current projects. It’s about building genuine, long-lasting relationships that can lead to collaborations, mentorships, friendships, and even job opportunities.
In my career, my network has been crucial in every move I’ve made since my PhD. I found a host institute for my postdoc thanks to a PhD student I met at a conference. I got acquainted with my first assistant professor position thanks to someone I had met at another conference. My current boss is someone I met 12 years ago at a conference. Some of the people Ive met over the past 15 years at conferences are now actively supporting me as an entrepreneur, for instance by inviting me to give workshops with NextMinds.
This shows that when you go to a conference and meet your peers, you’re actually planting seeds for the mid- and long-term future. And that can be a game-changer in your career.
Big shots suddenly become human beings
Conferences also reveal the human side of researchers. We see more than just their scientific work; we get to know their personalities and interests. People go from “big shots presenting during the plenary lecture” to “cool and friendly persons having a life next to science”.
This can be incredibly helpful when considering collaborations or job opportunities – knowing the personality of a potential collaborator or supervisor helps you determine if it’s a good match.
One of the best examples I can give to illustrate this is a conference I co-organized with three “big names” in my network a few years ago. Before organizing this conference, I didn’t know them very well personally and knew only about their great scientific achievements. I had no idea that we would have so much fun organizing a conference together for 2 years and bond at a personal level, too.
(And this despite the work overload caused by organizing a conference for >1300 attendees during a worldwide pandemic 😅)
Conferences as unique sources of inspiration
Attending conferences is a great way to break from your routine and gain new inspiration. Traveling to a new location, listening to thought-provoking presentations, and meeting new faces provides a refreshing change in perspective. Even though conferences are tiring, attendees return home inspired and with new ideas, feeling part of a greater community.
It’s also comforting to hear about others facing similar challenges (or worse), which can put your own struggles into perspective. I remember one of my first conferences as a PhD student, where candidates from other countries shared their difficulties due to limited budgets. Hearing their stories helped me appreciate my own situation and gave me a broader view of the challenges in academia.
Intellectual gossip
Finally, one of the most underrated aspects of conferences is what I call “intellectual gossip.” This includes the off-the-record insights shared during social moments, often over dinner or a drinks.
This can include learning about new funding opportunities, hearing about upcoming research directions, or discovering job openings that haven’t been advertised yet. Such insider information can be invaluable when making strategic decisions in your career.
📢 The Take-Home Message
Conferences offer far more than just a platform for presenting our research. They’re catalysts for professional growth, sources of inspiration, and opportunities for creating long-lasting professional relationships. So, the next time you consider attending a conference, remember: you’re not just going to present a poster or listen to talks. You’re actually embarking on a journey that could shape your career and your scientific worldview in ways you never anticipated.
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